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5 signs of collagen deficiency

5 signs of collagen deficiency

Did you know that your collagen levels naturally begin to decline in your 20s, and continue to decline by around 1% each year?

Common signs of early collagen deficiency can include:

  1. Skin - Deep lines, wrinkles, dark spots and dry sagging skin.
  2. Hair – Thinning, dull, hair prone to breakage.
  3. Nails - Weak, cracked and brittle nails.
  4. Joints - Aches, pains and stiffness in joints.
  5. Recovery - Slow muscle and injury recovery.

What exactly is collagen?

First of all, we have to get science-y.

Collagen is a protein, made up of amino acids, and type I collagen is the most abundant type of collagen in our bodies.

Collagen in skin

Our skin is around 80% collagen, and along with elastin, these two proteins give our skin bounce, elasticity and strength, so they are vital for that healthy, youthful skin glow.

Collagen in joints

Collagen also makes up the building blocks of our joints, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. In fact, collagen accounts for around 30% of our body’s entire protein!

Collagen in bodily tissue

Connective tissue cells, called fibroblasts, produce and maintain our natural collagen, but as we age, this function becomes weakened and collagen production begins to slow down.

Signs of collagen deficiency

We often see the first signs of deficiency in our skin, hair and nails

As we get older, our body also instinctively redirects the collagen it produces towards maintaining the essentials, like the cushioning and flexibility of joints and the maintenance and repair of connective tissues and organs, so we often see the first signs of deficiency in our skin, hair and nails.

1. Collagen deficiency in skin

Deep lines, dark dry areas, wrinkles, and sagging skin can take away that youthful plumpness and are all tell-tale signs that we are lacking in collagen.

  • Deep lines
  • Dark dry areas
  • Wrinkles
  • Sagging skin

Our skin is also our body’s first line of defence against sun damage, so it’s vital to maintain healthy skin.

2. Collagen deficiency in hair

Our hair is almost entirely made up of keratin, but the roots are embedded within collagen-based tissue. Collagen plays a vital role by surrounding the space around our hair follicles delivering essential nutrients, and giving hair strong and healthy roots. So, if you feel as though you’ve lost volume or mass in your hair, it could be due to low collagen levels. The nutrient-delivery process slows down when we have low collagen levels, which can cause our hair to become thin, dull and brittle, making it more prone to breakage.

  • Thinning hair
  • Dull hair
  • Brittle hair

3. Collagen deficiency in nails

Much like our hair, our nails are also made of keratin, grown from collagen-based tissue. Weak, brittle, cracked, or bumpy nails could be a sign of a lack of collagen. Nutrients need to flow through your nail bed to produce healthy nails but can only do that if we have healthy levels of collagen.

  • Weak nails
  • Brittle nails
  • Cracked nails
  • Bumpy nails

4. Collagen deficiency in joints

As with wrinkles, joint pain is often considered one of the natural side effects of getting older. The cartilage in our joints is rebuilt and repaired by collagen, so discomfort and pain associated with stiffness could be a sign of low collagen levels. Collagen also provides flexibility and cushioning for our joints. So, if our bodies don’t have enough, we will be far more vulnerable to damage.

  • Joint aches and pains
  • Stiffness in joints
  • Discomfort in joints

5. Collagen deficiency in tissue

When we suffer an injury, our body produces and directs collagen to the affected area to help quickly repair any damaged tissue. If you find that your body takes longer to heal than usual, this may also be a sign of low collagen levels.

  • Slow muscle recovery
  • Slow injury recovery

How do we restore depleted collagen?

Once our natural collagen levels start to reduce, there’s no way to encourage our bodies back to producing the levels it once did.

However, there are some helpful ways to slow down the effects of collagen deficiency by replenishing this vital protein, which is where supplements can be hugely beneficial.

Supplements can help slow down the effects of collagen deficiency.

Collagen supplements are almost always extracted from bovine or marine origins, but if that doesn’t align with your lifestyle, or you’re looking to incorporate more plant-based products with a Vegan-friendly alternative, our Pro-V Kollagen® is the perfect solution.

Pro-V Kollagen® is an advanced amino acid formula containing all 18 amino acids that are found with human type 1 collagen, in the exact same proportions! Giving your body everything it needs to replenish lost collagen for glowing skin, luscious hair and strong nails.

And because the amino acids in our formula are already isolated, they have a higher bioavailability than marine or bovine collagens. Put simply, this just means that it is much easier for the body to absorb and utilise, so it’s a win win!

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